365 days ago: Tokyo or another planet

Fifth stop: Tokyo, Japan.


  • After having travelled around the world during the last weeks without having a language problem it was a shock (known in advance, but still a shock) to feel like a little child who cannot even read and having to discern how much of the unknown things in this new world were important to decipher and which were not.
  • Illustrations EVERYWHERE. I have to write a special post about this. It is just incredible, no signs without illustrations. And everything is overfull with signs. Most of the drawings being kawaii, really cute figures, no matter the matter of the sing.
  • Travelling two hours with the "subway" from the airport to our home. Every station were the train stopped meant a check of characters, comparing the sign of the station and our notices. The check would take that long that the train had left the station before we finished.
  • Discovering this unexpected Tokyo where our little house was: Tiny houses in tiny streets, so close to the railways, which hundreds of people would cross continuously with their bikes, the trains passing by so frequently, the acoustic sign at the barrier going off constantly.
  • Being recognised on the street by our Airbnb host (Koji, very recomendable) since we were the only Europeans around. Going for beers with him and his friends and having one of the most fun evenings of the trip. Non stop trying unknown and delicious food, scribbling Japanese characters on my sketchbook, laughing a lot and finding out there is a pretty exact concept in Japanese for the Spanish tapa.
  • A new concept for mini-bar: A pub of some 9 m², with place for some 6 customers and the bartender. There are streets full with this kind of pubs one after the other.

Rest of the travel published so far: here.