Live hand-lettering on fabric at Lodenfrey

After a lot of events last fall where I painted T-shirts for Riani with the favourite phrases of the customers who bought them, this spring we have repeated. In Lodenfrey, in Munich. Look at the photos of the luxurious place where I had the pleasure of working: next to the entrance, with natural light and beautiful flowers.

We were there two days in a row, in March, and the action was very successful. Given Lodenfrey's clientele there were women from all over the world: a T-shirt with my hand-lettering has gone all the way to China. The client was a girl studying jewellery in London who fell in love with the outfit of the shop window mannequin and took it with her: the beautiful long black lace skirt and the hand-lettered T-shirt. Elegant but casual.

The second day was the first one of this year that felt like spring, so I was inspired by it as I warmed my brushes up (see the photos). Also: the last T-shirt I painted had the best quote. The name of the woman who bought it is Beni and she wanted me to write "je suis beni", which in French means "I am blessed" (but also "I am Beni", of course). Isn´t it nice? This is the best part of painting or drawing live, the contact with the people, the stories they tell. I always come home with the feeling I have learnt a little bit more about the diversity of the world, which makes me happy.

Looks like we're done with the hand-lettering events for now. Next up will be the classic fashion-illustration sketching. Which is more my world. But I have to say that on all these occasions when I've painted on T-shirts I've been getting a taste for the subject and who knows? I would never have said a year ago that I would be writing in front of people, it was not a product I offered. But it's also true that I've spent my whole life trying out letters and taking an interest in their shape. So when Riani asked me if I was interested in doing something like that, I said yes, of course. And now that I've taken a liking to it, who knows what's next. Maybe your project for your company is next, if so: contact me.

Oh, and one day (I promise) I will post here which materials I use for this hand-lettering on fabric and how I do it. Stay tuned.

(Translated from Spanish with I love it!)