Hamburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf – three days Fashion sketches live


*deutsche Version s.u.*

This summer ended for me with a small tour of Germany, as I would not have imagined at the beginning of the year. At the beginning of September I packed my bags for three consecutive live sketching evenings in three big cities: From Stuttgart I went to Hamburg and then via Berlin to Düsseldorf, where I had the pleasure to draw the invited guests for the launch of the fragrance of a French luxury brand in the respective boutiques.


Especially exciting was the fact that I was not drawing on my own paper. The company had sent me their own paper to be tested with my colours. It would go mounted on branded cards. And to my surprise the paper was way smaller than my usual DINA 4.


But no worries: Not even a week before I had drawn already for another client in such a small format. And that time it came as a surprise I had to improvise on. As so many times in such situations, when you first think “oh, no”, it turned out fabulous. So this time, with event time to test the paper: No problem at all. I must now say, I love this little paper size. You can judge the result by yourself.


The guests and I were happy about the handy fashion illustrations, which also fit into every small evening bag! So I spent three great well perfumed evenings, before my German tour brought me to to my next mission, right the next day, a few houses further on, in Frankfurt...

If your lifestyle company is planning an event and you would like to regale your guests with a unique experience and a branded souvenir of your party, you might want to have me there drawing for you. In that case contact me and we can talk about it. And if you want to be up to date about other projects I do that could inspire you for your own ones, please subscribe to my mailing list. See you there.



Dieser Sommer endete für mich mit einer kleinen Deutschland-Tour, wie ich es Anfang des Jahres nicht für möglich gehalten hätte. Anfang September packte ich meine Koffer für zunächst drei aufeinanderfolgende Live-Sketching Abende in drei Großstädten: Von Stuttgart ging es nach Hamburg über Berlin nach Düsseldorf, wo ich zum Launch des Dufts einer französischen Luxusmarke in der jeweiligen Boutique die geladenen Gäste zeichnen durfte.


Besonders aufregend war die Tatsache, dass mir kurz vor der Veranstaltung mitgeteilt wurde, dass die Zeichnungen nicht wie gewohnt im DIN A4 Format, sondern um ein vielfaches kleiner, im DIN A 6 Format, sein sollten. Meine anfängliche Scheu verflog jedoch schnell, ich sah es als neue Herausforderung und freute mich mit den Gästen über die handlichen Modeillustrationen, die auch in eine kleine Abendtasche passen! So verbrachte ich drei „dufte“ Abende, bevor mich meine Deutschlandreise zu meiner nächsten Mission tags darauf ein paar Häuser weiter, und hinterher weiter nach Frankfurt führte…