Drawing Aqua Allegoria at the Guerlain annual conference


Imagine a houseboat on the Rhine, fully decorated to recreate the feminine and joyful universe of the perfume Aqua Allegoria. That was the location for this year’s annual conference of Guerlain Germany. And there was a gorgeous desk in the boat waiting for me and my watercolours.

It was a little different than in other occasions. We had three fragrances of Aqua Allegoria and asked the guests, which one they identified with. For each fragrance there was a character trait that would be represented with a certain pose and also a colour I used for the background.

It went fantastic! It turns out that people are more creative with their pose when you give them three to choose from than when they are totally free. At least these women (and a couple of men) were really spontaneous with their poses, which made it really fun for me.

Thanks Guerlain! See you soon again.

If your lifestyle company is planning an event and you would like to regale your guests with a unique experience and a branded souvenir of your party, you might want to have me there drawing for you. In that case contact me and we can talk about it. And if you want to be up to date about other projects I do that could inspire you for your own ones, please subscribe to my mailing list. See you there.