Comfy Opulence

As I told you recently, I'm setting up a portfolio specifically for women's publications. In this framework I have created this scene about the fashion trend I call "comfortable opulence": wide dresses that fly, padded flip-flops, huge sunglasses, bracelets and accessories of more than generous size... I don't know whether it's that we've got used to being comfortable at home during pandemic confinement and now there's no one to squeeze us into tight things, or whether it's that there's an excess of material in the warehouses that makes it very cheap to make clothes without saving on raw materials. Or a combination of the two. In any case: it's a pleasure!

If you also need bespoke illustrations for your project, your merchandising or your product, please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask for a quote. You can see other of my drawings for clients here.